Bioregolatori peptidici
Invecchiamento e sintesi proteica L'invecchiamento è il fattore di rischio principale di malattia e morte, ma qual è la causa dell'invecchiamento? Nonostante esistano molte teorie, tale causa è ancora sconosciuta. Quello che sappiamo è che, invecchiando, il nostro corpo produce meno proteine che hanno un gran numero di funzioni importanti per il nostro fisico. Per esempio: Le proteine sono vitali per la divisione cellulare, che è necessaria per la crescita, la riproduzione e la guarigione. Molte proteine mantengono tutto perfettamente funzionante regolando le reazioni chimiche. Gli esempi includono enzimi, ormoni, sostanze di coagulazione del sangue, persino i recettori visivi. Le...
Peptide regulation of ageing
Source: St. Petersburg Institute of Gerontology Introduction For many years a phenomenon of ageing had been studied within the framework of ethics and social issues. Only in the last century the society realized that a process of ageing should be studied from a different viewpoint, that is, as a special physiologic mechanism bearing a certain evolutionary significance. Ageing is the most complicate issue in medicine and biology. The process of ageing is a gradual involution of tissues and development of organism malfunctioning. Its symptoms appear already at the end of the reproductive period and become more pronounced with ageing. At...
An Interview with Prof. Khavinson
Original, 2011 An interview with Vladimir Khackelevich Khavinson, the President of the European section of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG), an associate member of the Russian Ministry of Health, the Director of the St.Petersburg’s Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology of the North Western Department of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Honoured Inventor of the Russian Federation, a Professor and a Doctor of Medical Science. Mr Khavinson, in our talks you mention that the species life span limit of a human is 110-120 years. Why a contemporary person who lives in the age of intensive economic...
Historical Background of Geroprotectors, their applications and results
From the evolution standpoint, modern humans have entered a stage of increased advanced aging as the proportion of people in older age groups continues to grow. The limit of human life expectancy is now being recorded at 110-120 years with a maximum reliable life expectancy going as high as 122 years. However, the main task of modern science is not to increase the human life span alone, but to increase the average human work/productivity period. Therefore, scientists are researching medications and other methods to increase human work productivity. The increase in vitality resource and increased working life span will enable...
A documentary about peptide bioregulators
Clinical studies & publications
Clinical study of Endoluten (neuroendocrine system) Clinical study of Cerluten (brain) Clinical study of Vladonix (immune system) Clinical study of Ventfort (blood vessels) Clinical study of Suprefort (pancreas) Clinical study of Svetinorm (liver) Clinical study of Sigumir (joints and bones) Clinical study of Pielotax (kidneys) Clinical study of Chitomur (bladder) Pinealon increases cell viability by suppression of free radical levels and activating proliferative processes. Peptide regulation of ageing Peptides of pineal gland and thymus prolong human life Effects of pineal peptide preparation Epithalamin on free-radical processes in humans and animals Gerontological aspects of genome peptide regulation Peptide Regulation of Aging: 35-Year Research Experience Regulatory Peptides...
Introduction to synthetic peptides
The Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology (SPIBG) of the North-Western Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences for years has been developing a special approach to a new class of peptide-based supplements. As a result of the analysis of the amino-acidic sequence of peptides extracted from organs and tissues, physiologically active short peptides have been developed and later defined as a class of cytogenes, also known as the synthesized short peptides. This class of dietary supplements is characterized by a faster action compared to extracts: the physiological effects become evident after 24 hours, the main processes related to regulating work and functionality...